Temporary Posts - Recruitment - CES , Anna University , Chennai


Temporary Posts - Recruitment - CES , Anna University , Chennai

The Centre for Environment Studies, Anna University, Chennai 600 025  invites the applications for Several Temporary Posts to work in the " GIZ funded Research Project - A Study of Existing Co- Treatment of fecal Sludge and Sewage in the Sewage Treatment Plant at Ukkadam, Coimbatore and Upgradation of Laboratory (for Fecal Sludge Analysis) at Centre for Environmental Studies, Anna University, Chennai", for a period of three month .
1. Name of the post Project Associate
    Qualification    Ph. D. (Environmental Science) 
                               M.E. (Environmental Engineering/Management) 
                               M.Tech. (Environmental Science and Tech.)        
Note Priority would be given to candidates having experience in                 Environmental Field works and Sampling & Analysis
    Salary : Rs.22,200/- per month 
    Duration : 3 months (Three months)
    Number of posts  : 3 (Three)

2 .Name of the post Analyst
B.E. (Civil Engineering) 
                                B.Tech. (Chemical Engineering) 
                                M. Sc. (in Chemistry /Environmental Chemistry/                                                    Environmental Science /Environmental Toxicology / Bio-                                     Chemistry /Analytical Chemistry / Applied Chemistry 
Salary : Rs.15,000/- per month 
Duration : 3 months (Three months)
Number of posts  : 2 (Two)
Note : Priority would be given to candidates having experience in                 Environmental Analysis

3 .Name of the post : Field Assistant 
   Qualification    B.Sc in any one of the following discipline 
Environmental Chemistry
Environmental Science
Environmental Toxicology 
Analytical Chemistry 
Applied Chemistry 
Computer Science 
Diploma in Civil Engineering / Mechanical Engineering 
Salary : Rs.12,000/- per month 
Number of post : 2 (Two)
Duration : 3 months (Three months)

Eligible and interested persons are requested to send the complete Bio-data to the address given below to reach by on or before 5th July 2021. Also the soft copy to the email : directorcesau@gmail.com 

The Director, 
Centre for Environmental Studies, 
College of Engineering Guindy, 
Anna University, 
Chennai 600 025 

Click here for more details 

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