Anna University, Chennai




1.Explain in detail about the Basic Concepts of object oriented programming.

2.Explain the elements of object oriented programming.

3.Explain in detail about the reference variables.

4.What are the difference between reference variables and normal variables?

5.Explain about call-by-reference and return by reference.

6. Describe the advantages of OOP.

7. What are the difference between pointers to constants and constant to pointers?

8. Describe the applications of OOP technology.

9. What is function overloading? Explain briefly with program.

10.Write a program to demonstrate how a static data is accessed by a static member function.

11.What is friend function? What is the use of using friend functions in c++? Explain with a program.

12. Discuss in detail about default arguments with an example.

13. Explain about constant and volatile functions with an example.

14.Describe Abstract class. Illustrate an example to explain it.

15.Write a program to implement nested classes using c++.

16.Write a program to get the employee details and print the same using pointers to objects and pointers to members of a class. Create a class employee. And use appropriate functions and data members



1. Explain copy constructor and destructor with suitable C++ coding.

2. Explain about Implementation of simple ADTs.

3. Explain with the program about multiple constructors.

4. Explain in detail about constructor with dynamic allocation.

5. With an example explain about operator overloading through friend functions.

6. What is a virtual destructor? Explain the use of it.

7. Explain about Unary Operator and Binary Operator Overloading with program.

8. List out the rules for overloading operators with example.

9. Define a supplier class. Assume that the items supplied by any given supplier are different and varying in number. Use dynamic memory allocation in the constructor function to achieve the solution.

10. Define an examiner class. Provide all necessary data and function members to provide the following: The examiner must access answer sheets of at least one subject; He may examine answer sheets of multiple subjects; The examiner represents a college and also a university; Most of the examiners are local and represent local university; and have more than one constructor including one default and one with default argument. Provide a meaningful copy constructor.

11. Define a person class with more than three constructors. Define data and function

members in the class such a way that all three constructors are meaningful

Unit III


1. What is the need of Templates? Explain.

2. Explain about function templates?

3. Implement selection sort as a generic function.

4. Implement quick sort as a generic function.

5. Write a program for generic queue class with two member functions, insert and delete. Use the array to implement the queue.

6. Define a stack. The class should throw an exception when the stack underflow and overflow takes place.

7. Using the Time class, throw an exception when invalid time is input, write set_terminate to provide your own terminate function, which care of this problem.

8. What is uncaught exception function? Give an example.

9. What are the use of terminate () and Unexpected functions? Explain with a program.

10. How to use multiple catch functions inside a program? Explain with a program.

11. Write all blocks of exception handling? Explain with a program.


1. Write a program to implement dynamic polymorphism

2. Write a program to implement virtual function

3. write a program to implement multilevel inheritance


1. Discuss about C++ Stream classes hierarchy.

2. Write notes on Formatted and Unformatted Console I/O Operations.

3. Explain about File Pointers and their manipulations with example.

4. Give the differences between Manipulators and ios Functions.

5. How can we determine errors while dealing with files.

6. Explain in detail about the facilities available for substring operations on the

string object?

7. Explain in detail about Sorted Associative Containers.

8. Discuss about different ways of defining namespaces.

9. Explain in detail about Adapted Containers.

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